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en:mobile:user_guide:mobile_dashboard [2020/08/05 05:48] Mark Gloveren:mobile:user_guide:mobile_dashboard [2020/08/05 05:53] – [mSupply Desktop Configuration] Mark Glover
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 Refer to the list [[https://docs.msupply.org.nz/web_interface:dashboard_setup#available_dashboard_reports|available dashboard reports]]. Refer to the list [[https://docs.msupply.org.nz/web_interface:dashboard_setup#available_dashboard_reports|available dashboard reports]].
-==== mSupply Desktop Configuration ==== 
-Dashboard reports are configured on the mSupply central server, refer [[https://docs.msupply.org.nz/web_interface:dashboard_setup#dashboard_set_up_v40_and_later|Dashboard set up]].   
-This section describes the configuration of reports on the mSupply central server, which will need to be done in order to have dashboard reports show on mSupply Mobile. The mSupply central server generates reports on a schedule, and if the reports are configured correctly, they will also generate versions for mobile sites, which will be synced to mobile stores tablets. Here's how! 
-<WRAP center round info 60%> 
-Once a report is configured to be sent to mSupply Mobile sites, it will be sent to //every// mSupply Mobile site that has the Dashboard store preference turned on. 
-Dashboard reports need the following properties added to them in order for them to show in the mSupply mobile stores. 
-^ Property ^ Values ^ Description ^ 
-| isMobile | ''True'' or ''False'' | This is the important one! Enable or disable sending this report to your mobile sites | 
-| mobileReportType | ''table'', ''bar'', ''line'' or ''pie'' | The report display type | 
-| [any property] | #[field on store table] | This is the tricky one - use with care!\\  This property allows you to pick a value from the [[https://docs.msupply.org.nz/tables_fields:other_tables:store|store table]], which is therefore store specific.\\ See example on the next row | 
-| store_name | ''#name'' | The property is called //store_name// and has the value of ''#name''.\\  In the report, the //store_name// property will be replaced with the name of the store from the [[https://docs.msupply.org.nz/tables_fields:other_tables:store|store table]]\\ Obviously, the property //store_name// must be used in the report itself for this to do anything! | 
-<WRAP center round info 60%> 
-  * Existing reports can be used and the properties currently configured are used to generate the information. In this situation, the report shows in **both** the existing web dashboard //and// in mSupply mobile. 
-  * The mobile dashboard data - in particular the //mobileReportType// and the store specific data - are only sent to mobile stores (that have the Dashboard store preference turned on). 
 |  //Previous:  **[[en:mobile:user_guide:stocktakes_program|]]** | | Next:  **[[en:mobile:user_guide:indicators|]]**//  | |  //Previous:  **[[en:mobile:user_guide:stocktakes_program|]]** | | Next:  **[[en:mobile:user_guide:indicators|]]**//  |
  • en/mobile/user_guide/mobile_dashboard.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/07/01 22:52
  • by Mark Prins