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en:dashboard:getting_started [2021/09/14 04:16] – [Setting up Users] Mark Gloveren:dashboard:getting_started [2023/01/13 02:17] (current) – [Setting up users from within mSupply] Mark Glover
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 ==== Setting up Users ====  ==== Setting up Users ==== 
 +=== Setting up users under Grafana ===
 +It is possible to set up users under Grafana.  Grafana has documentation for this and will not be detailed here.  As dashboard access is likely highly correlated with store access within mSupply, it is not recommended to use this method, but to set up users from within mSupply.
 +=== Setting up users from within mSupply ===
 You can login to the dashboard using your current mSupply login. An account is created for you automatically in the grafana system with standard viewer-level permissions.  You can login to the dashboard using your current mSupply login. An account is created for you automatically in the grafana system with standard viewer-level permissions. 
-If you are to have an editor or administrator role, then Sustainable Solutions, or another administrative user, can set that up for you after you have logged in for the first time.+If you are to have a Grafana editor or administrator role, then Sustainable Solutions, or another Grafana administrative user, can set that up for you in Grafana after you have logged in for the first time.
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   * **Use the Dashboard**.{{ :en:dashboard:pasted:20210118-053554.png?700 |}}   * **Use the Dashboard**.{{ :en:dashboard:pasted:20210118-053554.png?700 |}}
   * Have **Active** status enabled.{{ :en:dashboard:active_user_censored.png?700 |}}   * Have **Active** status enabled.{{ :en:dashboard:active_user_censored.png?700 |}}
-  * Email should be entered to filter data based on Logged in store.{{ :en:dashboard:email_user_entered_censored.png?700 |}}+  * Enter an email address for the user.{{ :en:dashboard:email_user_entered_censored.png?700 |}} 
-Other than theseno other special configuration of the mSupply user account is required - including any permissions in any of the stores.+=== Data permissions governed by user store login permission === 
 +It is recommended to configure dashboard such that the data visible is filtered according to the user's permission to log in to the store.  In this caseyou will need to do some more configuration of the user in mSupply
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 +  * Configure the user to be able to log in to the stores for which you want them to have access.{{ :en:dashboard:pasted:20220516-235034.png?700 |}}
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 +Other than these, no other special configuration of the mSupply user account is required - including any permissions in any of the stores.
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  • en/dashboard/getting_started.1631593017.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/09/14 04:16
  • by Mark Glover