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en:cold_chain:dashboard [2022/05/27 03:12] – Add in sample queries Katen:cold_chain:dashboard [2022/05/31 04:37] (current) – Add telegram bot section Kat
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 </code> </code>
 +===== Telegram notifications for Cold Chain =====
 +General instructions are here: https://gist.github.com/ilap/cb6d512694c3e4f2427f85e4caec8ad7
 +But note that you need to invite your bot, not the bot father to the channel
 +Temperature logs rely on the alternate server in mSupply Desktop to be synced from the tablet to the server. If the alternate server is not running then no logs will be synced (and hence nothing will show on the Dashboard). 
 +Can see if the alternate server process is really running by checking port 8081 in Windows cmd with ​​netstat -ano | findstr :8081
 +In this case process with ID 2188 is running ok.
 +{{ :en:cold_chain:pasted:20220531-043624.png?800 | }}
  • en/cold_chain/dashboard.1653621179.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/05/27 03:12
  • by Kat