What is mSupply Mobile?

Refer here for more about mSupply Mobile

Compatibility between mSupply Mobile & mSupply Desktop

Mobile version Minimum Server version Comments
8.1.1-8.4.1 5.01.02 Requires mSupply Server 5.02.6+ if using vaccinators in the vaccine dispensing area
Requires mSupply 5.03+ if using the QR code scanner in the vaccine dispensing area
8.1.0 5.01.02 Requires mSupply Server 5.02.6+ if using vaccinators in the vaccine dispensing area
8.0.3 5.01.02 Should have been a major version bump, but mistakenly was not
8.0.0 5.01
7.0.0 5.01
6.0.4 4.13 Compatible with mSupply Server 5.05 (Has failed with mSupply server v5.07)
6.0.0-6.0.3 4.13 Known issue with sync not working when mSupply Server is 5.05 or later
5.1.2 4.10 This release contains a known issue with master lists not showing up when creating customer invoices, confirmed occurring on mSupply Server 5.02.1 and 5.03.3, So upgrade mobile to a more recent version if mSupply server is v5.02 or later.
5.0.0 4.10
4.0.0 4.09
3.0.0 4.08
2.2.0-rc1 4.07 This is a “forked“ vaccine release and may not have the same compatibilities as other v2 releases. Has been tested as working on 4.07
2.0.0 4.03

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