Vaccine Dispensing (for COVID-19 & other vaccines)

This functionality is available from mSupply mobile v8.0.0 onwards

This work was kindly sponsored by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

This chapter describes the main dispensing process. Other relevant pages include:


mSupply mobile has handled dispensing since 2019, and cold chain equipment monitoring since version 7 (March 2021).

Now it also has a specific workflow for vaccine dispensing. This differs from normal dispensing in several important ways


Setup is technical and needs to be done carefully. We know you're careful ;-)

Here are the instructions

Using the module

Once Setup is complete, you'll end up with an mobile navigation screen that looks like this:

Step one: Patient details

Note that each step has a Cancel button which will cancel the process You can also press on any one of the three steps along the top of the window after they’ve been completed to revisit that step and edit details if needed.

Selecting a patient

Step two: Add or edit patient information

After choosing a patient, you're shown the standard mSupply information for the patient in the left-hand panel, and any extra information that you have configured in the right-hand panel.

Step three: Additional vaccination details

Note that this third step is only available from mobile v8.1.0 onwards, and requires a form to be configured on the mSupply server for it to display. The form configuration drives the content shown in step three.

If using v8.0.X, or a form is not configured on the server, there will only be three steps total shown in the vaccine dispensing flow (step three will instead be dispense a vaccine. )

Step four: Dispense a vaccine

Refused vaccinations

If the patient refuses to be vaccinated, then check the Refused vaccine checkbox at the top-right.

A text field will then become available to record a reason for the refusal.

A note will be recorded on the patient's file with the date of refusal, and the reason (if one was specified).

Adverse Reactions

You can record an adverse drug reaction (ADR), or specifically in this case, an Adverse event from immunisation (AEFI). As this is not restricted to vaccines, the functionality is described in a separate page here